An Indonesian Vocational School Novice Teacher’s and Students’ Voices on Online English Class


  • Euis Rina Mulyani IKIP Siliwangi


This article is a part of a study dealing with Indonesian school life that has changed drastically due to covid-19 pandemic since it has moved face-to-face classes to online ones. The present study portrays the voices of a novice English teacher and her students on online English class amidst Covid-19 pandemic within the frame of interview study. This study is conducted in a private vocational school in West Java, Indonesia. The obtained data is analysed qualitatively. The findings indicated that both English teacher and students felt online learning has negative impact to their psychology since it led the feeling of anxiety and depressed. It also shows that they expect that normal situation comes back soon in order that the teaching learning process takes place inside real school and classrooms for better outcomes.


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