Implementation, Protection of Women and Children, Domestic Violence, Regional RegulationAbstract
Cases of domestic violence are of such high urgency that the state both preventively and repressively prevents and overcomes these problems so as to provide guarantees regarding order and security in social life. In the current era of decentralisation, integrally and holistically the Regional Government in carrying out regional autonomy based on the principle of medebewind is obliged to make implementing regulations of the Law both in the form of Regional Regulations, as well as Regional Regulation of Majalengka Regency Implementing Agencies, and Regional Regulation of Majalengka Regency Implementing Programs. Seeing the seriousness of the number of domestic violence cases in Majalengka, which is getting higher every year, the Regional Government of Majalengka Regency normatively issued Regional Regulation of Majalengka Regency Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Protection of Women and Children, and in action the implementer of the Regional Regulation is equipped with an implementing agency implementing the regional regulation, namely the Majalengka Regency Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning . The results showed that the implementation of Majalengka Regency Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2021 and the role of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Majalengka Regency were considered successful in resolving domestic violence cases that occurred in Majalengka Regency in a non-litigation or mediation manner, thus it has become the duties and functions of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Majalengka Regency to handle domestic violence cases at the non-litigation or mediation level in a family manner with the relevant parties.
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