
  • Denny Saputra Siallagan Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia



Legal Politics, General Elections, Electoral Districts


The implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 80 of 2022 on Indonesian elections are substantial. The effective organization of electoral districts (Dapil) is pivotal for upholding democratic principles and realizing the sovereignty of the people. This study investigates the repercussions of the aforementioned court decision on the arrangement of electoral districts in Indonesia and explores how the General Election Commission (KPU) restructured these districts post-decision. Employing a normative approach, the research underscores the decision's finding of the unconstitutionality of Appendices III and IV of Law Number 7 of 2017, which governs electoral district organization. Despite KPU's attempt at rearranging Dapil through KPU Regulation Number 6 of 2023, the alterations have proven to be insignificant. The KPU contends that the newly established electoral districts are optimal, despite facing challenges, including time constraints that compelled a swift restructuring to avoid disruptions in the 2024 election stages. To address these issues, it is recommended to harmonize legal regulations governing electoral district arrangements, incorporating more specific guidelines for Dapil delineation to prevent potential abuses of power. Additionally, implementing a regular evaluation mechanism for Dapil becomes imperative to adapt to demographic and administrative changes in the region.


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