Correlation Road Geometric On Road Damage
Road Geometric, Road Damage, Pavement Condition IndexAbstract
The implementation of safe road infrastructure can be defined by the minimum number of traffic accidents that occur on these roads. Traffic accidents can caused by several factors, encompassing the geometric attributes of the road, characteristics of vehicles, human elements, and environmental conditions. Previous studies have identified specific geometric features, including superelevation, degree of curvature, road slope, and shoulder type, as influential factors in traffic accidents. Simultaneously, the state of the pavement, characterized by issues such as rutting, potholes, IRI value, and skid resistance, also plays a crucial role in traffic accident. The interplay between road geometric and pavement conditions underscores the importance of effective road management for ensuring safety. Existing research highlights a correlation between road geometric and road damage, with the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) directly correlating with road and shoulder width, and inversely correlating with transverse and longitudinal road slope. This phenomenon is, in part, attributed to heightened shear strain on narrow road shoulders and a reduction in the resilience modulus value of the subgrade on sloped roads.
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