Test The Effectiveness of Kesum Leaf N-Hexana Extract Gel (Polygonum Minus Huds) as A Repellant Against Mosquitoes


  • Fajar Nugraha Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University



Kata Kunci:

kesum leaf, repellent, gel, effectivity


In some research shows that kesum contains several chemical compound that have a repellent activity such as alkaloid and essential oil which consist of terpenoids (B-Caryophyllen, a-curcumene, geraniol and geranial). It is important to support the effect by made a formulation that can give better repellent effect. The purpose of this research is to know whether n-heksane extract of kesum leaf have a effect as mosquito repellent and how about its effectivity when it was formulated in gel product with different concentration. Effectivity test was done by using a number of mosquitous that have been grow up from its pupae. The test was done in a mosquito box with 30 female mosquitos. Test group being used are positive control (Autan), negative control ( a hand that smeared with nothing ), gel base, extract 3%, F1 (gel that contain 0,5% extract), F2 (gel that contain 1,5% extract) and L3 (gel that contain 3% extract). The test is done on all of a test groups for 15 minutes every single hour from 08.00-15.45 in West Indonesia Times. It is done in three time repetition on three different people. The results of the effectivity test is analyzed statistically by use One Way ANOVA with confidence level 95% and then it analyzed with Post Hoc Tukey. The results shows that F3 give the best repellent effect between F1 and F2. F3 group is better than extract 3% (without formulation). In repellent potention shows that the best effect is given by positive control (89,45%) and it is followed by F3 (85,78%), F2 (79,12%) and F1 (73,62%). Evaluation of gel is done on F3 for a mounth (31 days) every three days. The results shows that gel has a few change in all variable of evaluation, but it is good enough esthetically for a month and can be used on the skin.


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