Implementation of Information Technology on New Student Admission at Gunung Jati Swadaya University


  • Aghnia Dian Lestari Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
  • Dedet Erawati Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
  • Titim Nurlia Politeknik LP3I Jakarta


Kata Kunci:

Information Technology, New Student Admission, Revolution 4.0


In the era of revolution 4.0, the development of information technology is growing rapidly. These developments cover various aspects of life in society. The impact that can be felt from the application of information technology is in the field of communication. Collaboration between the fields of technology and communication can be applied through a medium. This encourages researchers to develop technology-based media. Gunung Jati Swadaya University is one of the universities that is growing rapidly. The mandatory activity every year, namely New Student Admission (PMB) requires accurate information related to these activities. To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of delivering information to the public, it is necessary to implement the use of information technology so that the audience can easily get information related to PMB without having to come to the location, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic which requires people to carry out activities at home. Information that will be provided and displayed on the website. The research method used is qualitative. The results of the research are that the implementation process that has been carried out by the Promotion and Marketing UPT has gone quite well, however, the system will continue to be updated in accordance with technological developments.


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