Smart Blockchain Technology in Image Processing Between Challenges, Transformation and Digital-Based Learning Solutions


  • Muhammad Rifqi Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Muhammad Isradi Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Otto Fajarianto Educational Technology Department, State University of Malang


Kata Kunci:

Information security, Data, Blockchain, Data transmission, DOS


The rapid growth of cellular phone and internet users today, but not yet fully accompanied by the growing public awareness of protecting personal data, with the increase in the flow of data transmission packets via email or other media has a direct impact on increasing threats and theft of personal data. The higher the benefits of technology, the greater the risk that will be faced, meaning that there is no perfectly designed information technology that is free from vulnerability to data theft. With the inclusion of the concept of personal data as part of privacy, the protection of personal data becomes part of the protection of privacy. So the protection of personal data is part of the protection of human rights. Moreover, data has a high economic value. Based on these problems, the researchers conducted experiments with data collection techniques using literature studies and documentation. The problem-solving approach uses problem identification to find solutions. The presence of blockchain technology in the form of consensus in the form of a smart contract or chain code can make one solution in answering existing problems. The design method used is rapid application development by applying 5 design steps, namely business modeling, data modeling, process modeling, generation, and application testing. This software is built using the Disk Operating system (DOS) command. With this technique, it is hoped that the confidentiality of confidential information messages can be guaranteed.


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