Information System Design and Build Inventory at PT Prima Usaha Era Mandiri Branch Pasar Baru


  • Adam Zaelani Politeknik LP3I Jakarta
  • Setiawan - Politeknik LP3I Jakarta


Kata Kunci:

MySQL, JAVA, Information System


Along with the times, creativity and innovation will continue to develop to create the latest technology. Aims to help facilitate human activities. Applications are one of the many developing technologies that are useful as a medium for carrying out data management and various other activities such as document and file processing. And the formulation that will be discussed is how to develop an inventory information system based on a desktop application at the new market branch of A&W Restaurant, which currently still uses a manual in the form of a manual book. Therefore I want to develop a system where I can help make it easier for workers. This research is to help simplify human activities and benefit many parties. The design method in making the application uses the Java platform and MySQL for the database. And for analysis using United Modeling Language (UML). The result achieved is an inventory information system application. And the conclusion of this final project is to develop an information technology-based information system that can help make it easier for A&W restaurant workers in the new market branch, especially the warehouse section. The system can store and display data inputted by the admin and plan future development.


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