The current condition indicates cooperation in developed countries is not fully developed although it is expected to support national and people’s economic movement. The research was conducted since work of cooperation was considered ineffective. It also happens in producing cooperation in Sub-district of Cigugur, Kuningan Regency due to less optimal implementation of cooperation meeting procedures or SOP. The purposes of study are to improve the work of producing cooperation, to find out the factors which result in cooperation ineffectiveness, and to list useful efforts that have been applied to develop effective implementation of cooperation meeting procedure.
The study employed qualitative research method and descriptive analysis. The participants of the study were chosen using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The data were collected through deep interviews, observations, literature study and documentation.
The results study show that the implementation of policy procedure arrangement of cooperation meeting in Cigugur is still ineffective since four out of five cooperations in this sub districts still do not hold regular annual meeting board of member. Some factors were found to contribute to the ineffectiveness of the cooperation meetings, namely measurement and purpose of policies, resources, organizational communication, staff characters, economic, social and political environment. It can be concluded that arrangement of annual meeting is to improve performances of producing cooperation in Cigugur.
Key Words : Implementation, procedure, the cooperation meeting and performances.References
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