
  • Vivi Aulia STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin, Indonesia



extensive reading, reading log project, and EFL class


This research aims at knowing the result of students’ extensive reading (ER) activities that is described on reading logs project carried out by English Department students of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. Besides that, this research also aims at knowing the students’ attitude towards the ER activity by gaining their personal views on the benefits and difficulties accomplishing the activity. This research took place towards 22 students who were assigned to do ER activity outside the class time. The data were collected through the documentation of their reading logs project and the questionnaire. The reading log project consisted of six elements that were reported by students individually presenting the summary of their ER activities during 16 weeks while the questionnaire gained information further on clarifying the benefits and the difficulties of doing the activity. The result of documentation students’ reading logs project showed that the students were comfortable having freedom to choose reading material based on determined genres and its sources, stating specific reason on choosing reading material, and reflecting what has been discovered while reading. Furthermore, the result of questionnaire showed that students have benefits and difficulties in promoting ER activity through constructing reading log project. Since they were given freedom on this activity, 100% of them stated that ER activity were not easy due to limitation of their free time during the large amount of other courses assignment. This research concluded that promoting ER to build students’ reading habit and reading culture should be developed continually


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