Forestry development have to be non-stoped to be improved by able to yield the raw material which enough for industrial raw material requirement accomplishment and wood requirement, improving purchasing power of people and able to continue the industrialization process and also more and more inwrought and related with the industrial sector and service go to formed is network of activity of productive agroindustri and agrobisnis.
Research conducted in Pamedaran Village, Ketanggungan Subdistrict, Brebes District, from June until August 2007. This research aim to to know the correlation land size of people forest with the farmer income in Pamedaran Village, Ketanggungan Subdistrict, Brebes District.
Method used in this research is descriptive method with the approach survey. Data collecting of Primary obtained by through interview with the responder farmer use the questionnaire, and data sekunder obtained from existing institution of its bearing with this research. To know the correlation of between land size of people forest with the farmer income used by Test of Correlation coefficient of Rank Spearman.
Result of research indicate that there are real correlation between land size with the farmer income of people forest. Income of people forest with the land size mean of farm 0,468 ha equal to Rp. 2.550.318 or equivalent of Rp. 5.451.752 per hectare per year, with the value R/C of equal to 3,24.
Keywords : land size, farmer income, people forest
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