To determine the effect of cultural system to disease severity of bacterial pustule and yield ofsoybean-corn intercropping, a field experiment was conducted at Natar, South Lampung from
June 2002 to Januari 2003. Split plot design with three replications was used. Mainplots were
culture systems:monocropping and intercropping system. Subplots were aplication the single
biocontrol agent P fluorescens B29, P fluorescens GI34, B subtilis BB01, aplication the
mixtures of P fluorescens B29, GI34, and B subtilis BB01, aplication chemical agent
streptomycin sulfate, and without aplication biocontrol agent or chemical agent as control. The
result of this experiment are the bacterial pustule disease severity decrease as much as 43 percent
in intercropping soybean and corn. The Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) was 1,8. It means the
intercropping system is more benefit than monocropping system.
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