KEMAMPUAN MENULIS ARGUMENTASI MAHASISWA Survei pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
grammatical competency, attitude toward Indonesian language, and the ability in writing argumentationAbstract
This research is aimed to determine the correlation between (1) grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation, (2) attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation, (3) grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation.
The research was conducted at Physic Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, from July to October 2010. The research used descriptive of correlation. The research population was the second semester at Physic Education. The sample consisted of 40 university students who were taken by using purposive random sampling. The instruments for collecting the data in this research are test of writing argumentation, multiple choice test in grammatical competency, and questioner test in attitude toward Indonesian language. The instruments validity test used product moment and r point biserial. The instruments reliability test used KR-20 and alpha cronbach. The technique analysis for analyzing the data was the statistical technique of regression and correlation.
The result of the study showes that: (1) there is a positive correlation between grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation (= 0,84 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where tt = 1,68); (2) there is a positive correlation between attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation ( = 0,42 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where tt = 1,68); (3) there is a positive correlation between grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation (Ry.1.2 = 0,87 at the level of significance α = 0,05 with N= 40 where ft = 3,25).
The result above shows that grammatical competency and attitude toward Indonesian language give significant contribution to the ability in writing argumentation. It shows that both of variables can become good predictors for the ability in writing argumentation.
The analysis also indicates that the correlation between grammatical competency and the ability in writing argumentation is stronger than attitude toward Indonesian language and the ability in writing argumentation. It shows that grammatical competency can be a better predictor for the ability in writing argumentation. This reality brings consequence in learning the ability in writing argumentation, so teacher has to make priority in order to increase grammatical competency in learning the ability in writing argumentation than attitude toward Indonesian language.References
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