lumbar, x-rays, mine workers, LBP patientAbstract
Pekerja tambang saat ini banyak berusia muda tetapi mengeluhkan low back pain dan setelah dilakukan screening
dengan foto rontgen terdapat gambaran penyempitan diskus intervertebralis, sklerotik end plate, osteofit,
spondylolithesis, dan stenosis foramen intervertebralis. Dampak yang dialami oleh pekerja tambang tersebut dapat
dikarenakan beban kerja yang berat dan lama kerja, usia, obesitas, dan kurang berolahraga. Ilmu yang mempelajari
tentang rontgen vertebrae dan pertulangan yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan disebut radiologi dan orthopedi.
Untuk mengetahui karakteristik gambaran patologis radiografi pada vertebrae lumbosacral terhadap usia,
pekerjaan, jenis kelamin dengan keluhan low back pain (LBP) pada pekerja tambang usia 20 – 45 tahun. Penelitian
observasional ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif retrospektif. Sampel diambil dari hasil foto rontgen sebanyak
54 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Total sampling. Analisis data untuk melihat karakteristik
gambaran patologis radiografi vertebrae lumbosacral pada pasien dengan pekerjaan sebagai pekerja tambang.
Berdasarkan uji univariat didapatkan usia dewasa awal 26 – 35 tahun sebanyak 32 (59,3%), remaja akhir 20 – 25
tahun sebanyak 13 (24,1%), dewasa akhir 36 – 45 sebanyak 9 (16,7%), laki - laki sebanyak 49 (90,7%), perempuan
sebanyak 5 (9,3%), penyempitan diskus intervertebralis sebanyak 50 (87,7%), osteofit sebanyak 7 (12,3%),
sklerotik end plate sebanyak 0 (0%), spondylolithesis sebanyak 0 (0%), stenosis foramen intervertebralis sebanyak
0 (0%). Karakteristik gambaran patologis radiografi vertebrae lumbosacral pada pasien pekerja tambang
berdasarkan usia paling banyak di dapat adalah pasien usia dewasa awal, untuk jenis kelamin paling banyak adalah
laki - laki, untuk hasil foto rontgen paling banyak di dapat adalah penyempitan diskus intervertebralis.
Kata kunci : Temuan radiologis lumbal, rontgen lumbal pekerja tambang, rontgen pasien LBP, rontgen lumbal
pasien usia muda
Today's mining workers are mostly young but complain of low back pain and after screening with X-rays there
are pictures of narrowing of the intervertebral discs, sclerotic end plates, osteophytes, spondylolithesis, and
stenosis of the intervertebral foramen. The impact experienced by mining workers can be due to heavy workload
and length of work, age, obesity, and lack of exercise. The science that studies X-rays of the vertebrae and bones
related to work is called radiology and orthopedics. To find out the characteristics of radiographic pathology of
the lumbosacral vertebrae on age, occupation, gender with complaints of low back pain (LBP) in miners aged 20-
45 years. This observational study used a retrospective descriptive design. Samples were taken from the results of
X-rays as many as 54 people. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data analysis to see the characteristics
of the pathological picture of lumbosacral vertebrae radiography in patients with occupations as mining workers.
Based on univariate tests, it was found that the age of early adulthood 26 - 35 years was 32 (59.3%), late
adolescence 20 - 25 years was 13 (24.1%), late adulthood 36 - 45 was 9 (16.7%), men were 49 (90.7%), female
as many as 5 (9.3%), intervertebral disc narrowing as many as 50 (87.7%), osteophytes as many as 7 (12.3%),
sclerotic end plate as many as 0 (0%), spondylolithesis as many as 0 (0%), intervertebral foramen stenosis as
many as 0 (0%). The characteristics of the radiographic pathological picture of lumbosacral vertebrae in mine
worker patients based on age are mostly early adult patients, for the most gender is male, for the most X-ray
results are narrowing of the intervertebral disc.
Keywords : lumbar radiologic findings, lumbar x-rays of mine workers, X-ray of LBP patient, lumbar x-ray of a
young patient
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