Code-switching in English by Indonesian Subject Teacher in an International Elementary School as the Conveying Strategies


  • Fathia Anggriani Pradina Fathia Anggriani Pradina, Universitas Trilogi


Code-switching is not merely existing in a casual conversation. Many teachers also use the term of code-switching in an education system. Teaching Indonesian subject in an international elementary school that English is the primary instruction language needs an attempt. Facing the students who are from many different language backgrounds is also another difficulty. Teacher is required to suit herself in that situation. By switching her language, from Indonesian to English, it assists the teacher to deliver the lesson clearly. This attempt is due to the function of code-switching in class and also as the conveying strategies to the students. This research shows how Indonesian subject teacher delivers the lesson to the students by using code-switching to convey her students to make the activity in class work well and avoid students’ misunderstanding. The teacher’s code-switching makes the students, who basically more comfortable in using English feel comfortable in learning Indonesian and understand the lesson clearly. In this research, the present writer observes an Indonesian female subject teacher as the main participant. This research is using Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics study in analysis.


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