This research provided the results of the implementation of Digital Learning System (DLS) and its usefulness for students specifically. Development of learning media through the implementation of Digital Learning System (DLS) for teaching Oral Language Skills in English Education Study Program in one of the state universities in Medan used research and development (R&D) design. This research method used to produce products and test the effectiveness of these products (Sugiono, 2010). The subject was the students of English Department at first semester with oral language skills subject. They were treated by using digital media as the materials, and they used link http://smartdls-yeniade.com that can be accessed in learning subject as Digital Learning System (DLS). In developing online learning media there was lack of interaction between lecturers and students when using media in the network or e-leaning to teach (50%) and students difficulties in operating learning media (average 73.33%). They tend to choose learning media based e-learning and the use of video and images as much as 46.67%. The use of media in explaining the material was the most desirable by students, it can be seen from the amount of percentage obtained from the questionnaire, which is 76.67%, the material is in accordance with basic competencies authentic and clear 46.67%, and in introducing online learning media as 90% students from the samples taken need detailed explanation. The implementation of Digital Learning System (DLS) in the subject can provide convenience for lecturers and students in achieving learning objectives
Keywords: Digital Learning System (DLS), Online learning media, Oral Language Skills
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