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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Penyerahan belum diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau sedang dalam pertimbangan jurnal lain (atau sebuah penjelasan belum disediakan dalam komentar kepada editor).
  • File naskah dalam format file dokumen Microsoft Word.
  • Ketika tersedia, URLs untuk referensi telah disediakan.
  • Teks yang mematuhi persyaratan mengenai perpustakaan dan gaya bahasa digambarkan secara garis besar di Petunjuk Penulis, yang akan ditemukan dalam halaman Tentang Kami.

Author Guidelines

General Requirements

  1. Article submissions must follow the following template.
  2. Articles are truly the work by the author
  3. Articles have never been published in other media
  4. Articles must be in accordance with the scope of the Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur (JKI)
  5. Articles are written in Indonesian
  6. Articles are written in a single column format
  7. Articles must have a minimum number of 10 references in the bibliography
  8. Citation and reference writing use the IEEE style. (recommended using citation management software such as Mendeley desktop, etc.)
  9. Articles have a maximum similiarity of 25% after being checked using plagiarism checker/Turnitin software.
  10. Articles are limited to 8 -16 pages
  11. Authors are advised to upload articles in Indonesian in the "supplementary file" to assist in the review process.

Technical Requirements

Writting Format

As a scientific article, the systematics of writing articles can be arranged in two alternative arrangements as follows::

1. Alternatif 1

Articles can be written in 4 main chapters. This writing model is widely used in scientific journal writing. Substances related to literature review (previous research) can be written especially in the introduction section. Literature review can also be added to the research methodology or discussion to support the results of the analysis carried out.

  1. Introduction
  2. Research Methodology
  3. Analysis and Result
  4. Conclussion



2. Alternatif 2

Articles can be written in 5 main chapters. This writing model is the easiest writing model for students to follow because it has the same writing model as thesis or dissertation.

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature Review
  3. Research Methodology
  4. Analysis and Result
  5. Conclussion



Writing Formulas, Tables and Figures

This section describes the format or writing style of formulas, tables and figures applied to the Journal of Green Science and Technology.

1. Formulas

Writing scientific articles is sometimes accompanied by writing formulas. To ease text editing, formulas must be written using the Equation facility from Microsoft Word. Formulas may not be copied from elsewhere and pasted in JPEG or PNG format. Formula writing must be accompanied by Formula Numbering written on the right in brackets. If the Formula consists of several Formulas, the numbering is done sequentially from the number to the next number. Formula writing must be accompanied by a Formula Source. Formula sources can be written in the Formula Introductory Sentence or after the Formula Description line. If it is written under the Description Line, it must be written in Font = 9.

2. Tables

When writing a table, it must be accompanied by table numbering and table title. Table numbering is written "Table 1.", "Table 2.", etc. sequentially with font 11 in bold. Meanwhile, writing table titles is written in a normal writing style. Table numbers and titles are placed at the top of the table. The first letter of the title should be placed in the center of the page between the left and right margins. Table sources are listed below the left of the table in font 9. Table contents can use fonts 8 – 10. Tables must be created in Ms.Excel pasted in Ms.Word, not images in JPG or PNG format.

3. Figures

When writing a figure, it must be accompanied by the figure Numbering and figure Title. Figure numbering is written "Figure 1.", "Figure 2.", etc. sequentially with font 11 in bold. While writing the title of the figure is written in a normal writing style. The figure number and title are placed at the bottom of the image. The first letter of the title should be placed in the center of the page between the left and right margins. The source of the image is written below the left of the image with font 9.

Citation and References


Citations and references are written using the IEEE style. Writing citations and references is recommended to use citation management software such as Mendeley desktop and others.


Fares can be determined based on the Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) from service users. Example [5] using ATP data as the maximum value in determining fares on Transjakarta public transportation; [18] using WTP data as an assessment material for the development of integration of multimodal fares on public transportation in Jakarta; [19] used ATP and WTP values to analyze the characteristics of transit users in Bandung, Indonesia. The method in determining the value of ATP can use the travel cost method which assumes that the demand for travel to a particular location depends on the cost of travel, income, location characteristics, replacement prices, and others [20].


Using the IEEE style. At least 10 references are sourced from journals/proceedings of the last 5 years.

 [1]      Q. K. St, H. K. Dist, and H. Hiroshima, “Income-based Fare Orientation in Urban Public Transportation Services in Developing Countries : A case study in Hanoi , Vietnam,” J. East. Asia Soc. Transp. Stud., vol. 13, no. 2015, pp. 1300–1311, 2019.

[2]     V. A. Tuan, “Mode Choice Behavior and Modal Shift to Public Transport in Developing Countries - the Case of Hanoi City,” J. East. Asia Soc. Transp. Stud., vol. 11, pp. 473–487, 2015.

[3]     V. D. Putri, K. Komarudin, and A. R. Destyanto, “The determination of MRT (mass rapid transit) Jakarta train specification to reach headway target by using promodel,” Proc. - 3rd Int. Conf. Comput. Intell. Appl. ICCIA 2018, no. 978, pp. 16–20, 2018, doi: 10.1109/ICCIA.2018.00011.

[4]     UU 22 Tahun 2009, “UU 22 Tahun 2009,” 2009, [Online]. Available:

[5]     M. L. Hariani, “Analysis of Fare Structure Policy and The Impact on Amount of Subsidies (Case Study: Transjakarta) Master thesis, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2019.,” vol. 25017019, 2019.


  • The author is responsible for the language of the article, the editor will not check it. Do a spelling and grammar check. It is already available in the Ms.Word software. Because the article is written in English, it MUST be checked properly and thoroughly both in writing and language.

  • Acknowledgments are optional and are not required. If the author writes an Acknowledgments in the article, please convey it clearly and to whom it is addressed.

  • Articles that will be published in the Journal of Green Science and Technology must first be checked for similarity by the editor, if the results are more than 25%, they will be returned for correction.

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