
  • Novi Widyaningsih Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati



Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Jati in Cirebon District is a state-owned enterprise which carries out Regional Government affairs and is oblidged to give basic service of water supply for the community. Thus, its service shall be community-oriented that is by giving its best to the community by providing sufficient water in term of quality, quantity, and continuity. PDAM is running its duty faces many problems that are the high level of water leakage (26,38%), and some community complaints on the quality of the distributed water and its continuity to customer’s houses. This causes PDAM  performance to be not optimum.

Research on Performance of public service in PDAM , focuses four criteria, i.e : efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and responsiveness. The research method uses descriptive qualitative method which comprehends a social phenomenonin depth. This method consist of three components, i.e. : data reduction , data presentation, and conclusion. The data in this research is the primary and secondary data. The primary data is obtained from interview and questionnaires while the secondary data is obtained from the data which has been quoted by the researcher belongs to the company. The respondents of this research are the employees of PDAM Tirta Jati Cirebon District and the customers. The technique used in getting the sample is purposive sampling. The object of this research is performance of public service n solution for the problems.

The results showed that the performance of the public service by the Regional Water Company Cirebon District is poor. This is evidenced by the four criteria of servicing performance : efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and responsiveness that still need improvement such as water production which do not meet customer expectations and still found some complaints that cannot be followed up and how long it takes to overcome.

Recommendations given are to to improve PDAM Tirta Jati Cirebon District performance in providing water supply covering the effort to fulfill good corporate governance principe through performance aspects, i.e. : administration, human resources, finance, and operational.

Keywords: Analysis, Performance, Public Services


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Sumber Lainnya :

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