
  • Sungkawati Kardi Wahyuningsih STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon, Aceh Tengah, Aceh - Indonesia, Indonesia



group work, classroom interaction, self-esteem


This research aimed at observing and describing the process and the results of the action implemented in improving the classroom interaction and the students’ self-esteem of STAIN GPA. This research was a classroom action research. The subject of the study is the semester 6 students of English department in the academic year of 2014/2015. The purposive sampling was used in this study. This research consists of three steps, namely: input, transformation, and output. The finding of the research is that the implementation of group work is able to improve the classroom interaction, as they: interaction between student and student, student and teacher, student and learning sources, and student and the environment. In relation to the students’ self-esteem, the implementation of group work was able to improve: feeling of competence, feeling to be respected, feeling to be loved, feeling to have a chance for success, and feeling of confidence.

Author Biography

Sungkawati Kardi Wahyuningsih, STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon, Aceh Tengah, Aceh - Indonesia

Sungkawati Kardi Wahyuningsih was born in Yogyakarta on 27 Februari 1986. She graduated from English education of UNY in 2009. Then, she continued her magister program in the same university and graduated in 2013. She ever taught in UTY for one semester, before she moved to Aceh. In 2014 she taught in STAIN Gajah Putih, Takengon, Aceh Tengah, Aceh until now.


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