This research was conducted in the Ciomas village, Ciawigebang subdistrict, Kuningan District, from July to September 2013. Study aimed to determine: (1) the effect of the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods in the application of rice cultivation technology systems legowo row planting, (2) the effect of agricultural extension techniques with the application of rice cultivation technology systems legowo row planting, and (3) the effect of the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods and techniques with the application of rice cultivation technology row planting system legowo.
The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive quantitative data supported the survey approach. The collection of primary data obtained through interviews with respondents using a questionnaire, and secondary data obtained from the agency in connection with this study. To determine the relationship of variable effectiveness of agricultural extension methods and techniques of agricultural extension, the application of rice cultivation technology systems legowo parallelogram, used ladder Spearman correlation coefficient test.
The results showed that: (1) there was a relationship between the real and the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods of rice cultivation technology systems legowo row planting, as indicated by the value of rs = 0.456, (2) there is a real relationship between the low and agricultural extension techniques with technology rice cultivation legowo row planting system, as indicated by the value of rs = 0.360, and (3) there is a very strong and real relationship between the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods and techniques with the technology of rice cultivation legowo row planting system, as indicated by the value of rs = 0.943
Key word : Effectiveness, Counseling Techniques, Systems Legowo Row PlantingReferences
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