About the Journal

Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi (JKA) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by the Research Department of the Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (UGJ) in collaboration with Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountant. Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi is published in print and online (Open Journal System / OJS) in 2017 with ISSN: 2579-9975 (print) and 2579-9991 (online). Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi publishes manuscript articles twice a year (June and December). JKA Previously the focus of JKA covered all accounting related studies. Since, 11th of July 2022 we have decided to change our focus and scope with reference to scientific research standards and procedures established by the editorial board for publication. Manuscript articles can come from researchers, academics, practitioners, lecturers, students and other accounting observers who are interested in research in the field of accounting. JKA utilizes the PKP-PN LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
