Our editor speaking at the PKP conference

About the Journal

Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur : Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan (JKI) is a change from Jurnal Konstruksi (p-ISSN 2085-8744) that have been published since 2013 by Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon. Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur (JKI) published since Volume 10 Number 1 in 2022 with p-ISSN 2828-3759 and e-ISSN 2828-156X. JKI publishes twice a year in April and October.

JKI contains related articles:

  1. structural and materials engineering,
  2. Geotechnical Engineering (Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics)
  3. Water Resources Engineering and Water Building Design
  4. Transportation engineering and road design,
  5. Construction management.


Perubahan Website Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur


Dear Authors,

Mulai edisi Volume 12 No.1 Tahun 2024, Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur akan diterbitkan pada laman:


Kepada seluruh Author yang telah melakukan submission artikel untuk edisi tahun 2024, mohon agar segera melakukan submit ulang ke laman website yang baru.


Terima Kasih.


Hormat kami,

Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur

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Current Issue

Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur Vol XI No.2 : Oktober 2023
Published: 2023-10-23


View All Issues
JKI contains related articles:

1. structural and materials engineering,

2. Geotechnical Engineering (Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics),

3. Water Resources Engineering and Water Building Design,

4. Transportation engineering and road design,

5. Construction management.