Legal Aspects, Electronic Medical Records, Protection of Patient RightsAbstract
Electronic Medical Records have an important role in supporting the implementation of the National Health System. It is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health (PMK) Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records that all Hospitals are required to implement an electronic patient medical history recording system as a form of implementing the transformation of health technology which is part of the 6th pillar of Health Transformation with the hope of being able to provide significant progress in patient accessibility in accessing information and the right to protection of personal data related to their health status. Patient rights are stated in Law Number 17 of 2023 Article 276, while policies in the process of accessing information and protecting personal data are regulated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information and Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 of 2022 concerning Protection of Personal Data. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal aspects of electronic medical records for the protection of patient rights. This study uses a qualitative method with a normative legal approach. In its findings, Electronic Medical Records still need a lot of development both in terms of systems and users so that Hospitals need to strive to improve the capabilities of Human Resources by conducting training and organizing post-implementation evaluations of Electronic Medical Records. In addition, guarantees of data security in Electronic Medical Records must be regulated in special legislation to maintain aspects of data security that are the rights of patients considering that this digitalization era is very vulnerable to cybercrime.
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