An Analysis of Interlanguage Performed by Students of an Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya


  • feisal aziez



inter language, pesantren, phonological, lexical, syntactic, language transfers, overgeneralizations


This descriptive study aims at: (1) finding out and describe the phonological,
lexical,  and  syntactic  forms  of  English  language  learners’  inter language,  and  (2)
finding out whether there are any differences in the inter language of the learners of
different grades. The subjects of this research were 24 learners of the first, second,
and third  grade  of  an  Islamic  boarding  school  in  Tasikmalaya.  The  data  were
collected  from  students’  conversations,  interviews,  and  reading  aloud.  The  data
were  recorded  and  transcribed.  Then,  the  data  were  filtered  by  using  Corder’s
procedure. The results of the research reveal the existence of the following aspects
in the learners’ inter language: (1) phonological transfers, (2) lexical transfers, (3)
syntactic  transfers,  (4)  phonological  overgeneralizations,  (5)  lexical
overgeneralizations, and (6) syntactic overgeneralizations. This research also found
out some differences in the inter language of the students of different grades.


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How to Cite

aziez, feisal. (2018). An Analysis of Interlanguage Performed by Students of an Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya. Academic Journal Perspective : Education, Language, and Literature, 4(2), 102–122.




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